Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fatima Bhutto - Interview with Rediff News

'I am horrified to see these two nuclear countries entangled in this bizarre love story'
Rediff, April 8, 2010

History sits rather lightly on the slender shoulders of the petite and elegant 27 year old who has journeyed nearly 555 miles from across the border, with a bulky hardback to promote in India's book bazaars.

The title of her book -- Songs of Blood and Sword -- seems incongruous with the delicate, fashionably-dressed author, clad in a black embroidered jacket and slacks, facing you, just prior to the book's launch in Mumbai.

For complete article/interview, click here
Fatima Bhutto beats Jaswant Singh but Musharraf still leads - Tribune
'Fatima Bhutto: 'We didn't know what would happen tomorrow' - Guardian

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