Thursday, July 24, 2008

Progress on India - U.S. Civil Nuclear Deal

India Wins Big Bet on U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Deal
by Lisa Curtis, WebMemo #2002, July 24, 2008

Despite risking both his career and the survival of his government, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's bold initiative to move forward with the U.S.-India civil nuclear deal has saved the nuclear pact from entering a period of dormancy that would have likely meant its eventual demise.

In a vote Tuesday, the Singh government maintained the confidence of the Indian parliament by a surprisingly comfortable margin (275 in favor of government, 256 against), clearing the way for it to move ahead with the landmark nuclear deal that has been in the works for almost three years. The U.S. must now act as quickly possible with the final steps necessary to consummate this historic agreement.

For complete article, click here

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